Ready to Grow Your Podcast?

Podcast Hot Seat.

We Make Good Podcasts BETTER

What is Included:

First your show will be on the Podcast Hot Seat show giving you exposure, and feedback so you can lean into those things you're doing great, and some notes on those things that might need a bit polishing. You provide the episode to listen to, and we will go over the episode and your website.

A Free Month at the School of Podcasting
These courses will take you from Idas to maximizing your impact and growing your audience. (see below)

Podcast Hot Seat Audit and Review

Podcast Hot Seat: Podcast Audit and Review

$79 USD

  • Episode and Website Audit and Access to Courses

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Dave Jackson Jackson

Dave Jackson began podcasting in 2005 and launched the School of Podcasting ( His School of Podcasting show has over 3.2 million downloads. He has helped hundreds of people plan, launch, and grow their podcasts. He is the author of the book Profit from your podcast and is a featured event speaker. In 2016 Dave joined Libsyn (the largest podcast hosting company) as part of their tech support team.  In 2018 he was inducted into the Academy of Podcasters Hall of Fame.

Find all his shows at

Podcast Hot Seat Audit and Review

Podcast Hot Seat: Podcast Audit and Review

$79 USD

  • Episode and Website Audit and Access to Courses

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